Ross, California —
The People, the Places, the History
210 pages
Hard bound
To purchase please email us, or buy online and follow up with an email to arrange delivery.
This first, comprehensive history of the Town of Ross and the surrounding valley was the research and writing project of a small group of Moya-RHS board members/historians for over four years. This 210 page book is beautifully hard-bound and full of historical stories, rediscovered facts, and in-depth profiles of the people who pioneered the Ross Valley as early as the 1850's. Over 120 rare, early Ross Valley photos and historic maps illustrate the book.
The mission began with the desire to preserve for future generations the already fading history of our town, before the facts became untraceable. Information in the book was researched at many California institutions, historical libraries and societies. The six authors/researchers—Bob Battersby, Preston Maginis, Susan Nielsen, Gary Scales, Richard Torney, and Ed Wynne—scoured public records and historic documents and spoke with numerous locals to track down the stories, freely contributing their time, materials and skills. In an outreach letter to the community, they were able to raise enough money to pay for a limited first edition printing of 1,500 copies.
In honor of the 2008 Centennial of the Town of Ross, the Moya Library-Ross Historical Society released the book to the public on May 2, 2008 at the Marin Art and Garden Center's Livermore Room, with a presentation by the authors. The authors gave special recognition to Carla Ehat, a longtime Moya Library member as well as founding member of the Ross Historical Society, who had started work on the book so many years ago.
We are delighted to have finally accomplished our goal to preserve the Town's history for future generations. We are proud to say that the book has turned out to be informative, entertaining and quite beautiful. See a few sample pages here.
José Moya del Pino –
Two Lives of an Artist
136 pages
Full color
Hard bound
Available at online bookstores. An ePub is also available for Apple Books.
José Moya del Pino — Two Lives of an Artist
A fully illustrated in-depth look at the fascinating life of a Spanish artist, sent on a cultural mission by the king of Spain then abandoned by his homeland, who reinvented himself in the US as a muralist, painter and teacher.
José Moya del Pino's life was divided into two completely separate halves; the first one took place in Spain between 1890 and 1925; the second began in 1925 with his trip, without return, to America. This book includes many figures, photographs, illustrations, and details never published before about the life and works of this almost-forgotten artist.
Those who knew the first part of Moya del Pino's life almost completely ignored what happened in the second, to the point that most biographical notes published in Spain end in 1925, as if the painter had disappeared from the universe without a trace. On the other hand, those who shared the second stage of his life, in the San Francisco Bay Area, only knew of his work in Spain that he copied the works of Velázquez and made portraits of Alfonso XIII and the Duke of Alba.
This book by Paola Coda Nunziante (the artist's grand-daughter, and member of the Moya Library/Ross Historical Society Board of Trustees), rich with illustrations, photographs and newspaper articles, is the result of two years of research on both continents; it aims to put an end to these incomplete perspectives, uniting into one complete biography the artist's two lives.
Available at online bookstores such as:
The Morning After Archive
The Town of Ross published some of our Stories on Ross history. We look forward to telling more stories in future editions.
RHS/Moya Newsletter Archive
2014 Winter Newsletter
2014 Fall Newsletter
2014 Summer Newsletter
You Tube Videos
Due to COVID, our monthly lectures for 2020 and 2021 were not presented in person but as Zoom webinars. They were recorded, and you can watch the presentations on our You Tube channel.